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Ruwatan is a Javanese tradition in which ceremonies are performed to repel bad luck and avoid misfortune. Villagers gather for a carnival, dancing to traditional music and parading around the village in costumes and giant papier-mâché crop varieties. For farmers, it is a cleansing ritual to wish for a bountiful harvest.

This year, Jiva supported one of our Sahabat Jiva (our partner micro-collector) in Jombang, Minadi, and his network of smallholder farmers to participate in a festive Ruwatan ceremony.

Let’s wish for their abundant harvest!

Being close to our farmers is very important for Jiva. Respecting and being involved in their tradition is our way to be an integral part of their community. It helps us get to know them better so we can find better ways to help them get better livelihoods.

Find out more about our mission to help uplift the livelihoods of smallholder farmers around the world by following us on LinkedInTikTokInstagram, and Youtube.